Frank Mikulka's

Weekly Fitness Tip

October 12, 2003

I train 5 days a week, sometimes for 2 or 3 hours at a clip. I think my cardio exceeds my strength training. I’m not really seeing a change in my body. Could it be I’m overtraining? What signs should I look for? (Janie, from Seaford)

A big problem no one wants to own up to is over-exercising. Because if I do more for longer, I will achieve my goals. A great concept, but long term it will not work. When the body is put to a lot of stress, it must on the other side of the coin, recover. Remember as in all things, there must be balance.

Some Warning Signs:

• Chronic fatigue—I’m always tired

• Muscle or joint soreness

• More injuries are occurring- knees, shoulders, etc.

• Boredom and low motivation—same thing all the time

So, Jane, modify your program with some REST Days and restore balance between your cardio and weight training. Keep your diet in check and you’ll reap some rewards.

“Less is More”

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 AM on WLIE 540 AM in New York City